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Vitamin C For Eczema – It’s Role & Benefits For Skin

August 27, 2019
Vitamin C For Eczema – It’s Role & Benefits For Skin


Are you planning to take any vitamin C supplements to treat the symptoms of eczema?

Skincare enthusiasts tout vitamin C skin treatments and serums as having a range of benefits, like balancing skin tone, help to treat eczema, reducing hyperpigmentation, and reducing the signs of aging as well.

Although we do not have an effective treatment for eczema, still, we are starting to get close. Certain natural treatments that help treat eczema are used by many individuals to reduce eczema flare-ups.

Research suggests that some vitamins like vitamin C, D E & A might play a key role in skin health. In many cases, these vitamins are most effective when a person applies them directly to the skin. Following a healthful, balanced Eczema diet that is free of vitamin and nutrient deficiencies may improve skin health by boosting overall health.

We all know that vitamin C can do good to our bodies, Role of Vitamin C for eczema and other Skin Diseases, vitamin D’s link with eczema & how vitamin C may be a useful cure for eczema. So, let’s know more about Vitamin C and eczema:

Also ReadVitamin D For Eczema – Benefits & Role Of Vitamin D Supplements to treat eczema

People also ask

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What Is Vitamin C?

What is Vitamin C - Nutrition Facts

Vitamin C is considered as one of the most effective vitamins that include protection against immune system deficiencies, cardiovascular diseases, and even skin inflammation.

Vitamin C supplements might improve skin health and slow the skin aging process [Source]. It helps produce Collagen that is the main component of connective tissue and the most abundant protein in mammals. It is a vital component in fibrous tissues such as:

  • tendons
  • ligaments
  • skin
  • cornea
  • cartilage
  • bones
  • the gut
  • blood vessels

Collagen  for Eczema: 

Approximately 28 million Americans of all age groups are affected by eczema. For a few individuals, these eczema symptoms may worsen with the growing age and are often accompanied by intense itching. While there is some debate on what are the causes of eczema and eczema flare-ups, anyone who struggles with this skin condition can easily tell you that it’s a daunting task and time consuming as well.

While at present there is no evidence to suggest that collagen can prevent eczema, but we know that collagen plays its role in wound healing of the skin.

An eczema breakout is much the same as any other skin wound as it all starts with an inflammatory stage and then proceeds into the healing stages. So, collagen can help in the healing process. So the next time you’re dealing with annoying eczema, consider a collagen supplement for help with the healing process.

Sources Of Vitamin C:

Sources Of Vitamin C

Instead of taking a supplement, it might be best to increase the amount of vitamin C you eat in a day, by consuming foods like oranges, peppers, and dark greens like kale.

The highest sources of vitamin C include:

  • Bell peppers
  • Guava
  • Dark leafy greens
  • Broccoli
  • Brussels sprouts
  • Kiwi
  • Citrus fruits
  • Strawberries
  • Fresh herbs such as cilantro, chives, thyme, basil and parsley

It’s important to remember that vitamin C is sensitive to heat, so lightly cooking these plant foods or eating them raw (if possible) is ideal to maximize your intake of this vitamin.

Vitamin C: dosages and food sources

 Vitamin C (also known as) Supplement dosages (milligrams per day) Eczema-friendly food sources
Ascorbic acid
Calcium ascorbate
Magnesium ascorbate (avoid: it contains sulphites)
Sodium ascorbate
Infants (AI)

25–30 mg from breastmilk or hypoallergenic (dairy-free) infant formula

Children + teens

1–4 years: 35–70 mg
5–12 years: 40–140 mg
14–18 years: 40–210 mg


60–210 mg

100 g (31⁄2 oz) Brussels sprouts: 110 mg
150 g (5 oz) papaya or pawpaw: 90 mg*
100 g (31⁄2 oz) cabbage: 45 mg
100 g (31⁄2 oz) leek: 30 mg
100 g (31⁄2 oz) sweet potato: 25 mg^
100 g (31⁄2 oz) swede/rutabaga/turnip: 25 mg
1 medium potato: 30 mg
100 g (31⁄2 oz) green beans: 20 mg
1 banana: 15 mg*
1 cup mung bean sprouts: 14 mg
3 spring onions (scallions, shallots): 15 mg
10 g (1⁄3 oz) parsley: 10 mg

What Are The Signs OF Vitamin C Deficiency?

Vitamin C deficiency occurs, as is obvious when the intake of vitamin C is inadequate. The signs include –

  • Swollen or bleeding gums
  • Slow wound healing
  • Dry hair
  • Rough and dry skin
  • Nosebleeds
  • Weak immunity
  • Swollen and painful joints
  • Possible weight gain

Taking an adequate amount of vitamin C not only prevents the signs but also offers numerous other benefits as well.

Vitamin C Benefits for the Skin: 

Role of Vitamin C in Skin Diseases

Responsible To Boost Collagen Production

Collagen protein is lost with aging and sun exposure that leads to wrinkles and sagging skin. Vitamin C boosts your skin’s collagen production to give you firmer, and smoother wrinkle-free skin.

“Clinical assessment demonstrated significant improvement with active treatment greater than a control for fine wrinkling, tactile roughness, coarse rhytids, skin laxity/tone, sallowness/yellowing, and overall features.”

[source: Traikovich SS. (1999) Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg.]

 Help Fights Free Radical Damage

Vitamin C possesses antioxidant properties that help fight free radicals and damage caused by UV radiations to give you younger-looking skin.

Help Brightens Dark Spots

Vitamin C helps lighten hyper-pigmentation and brown spots on the skin. It is also responsible to inhibit melanin production for giving even skin tone.

  • Vitamin C Skin Lightening Tip Using Lemon, Rose Water, and Glycerin

benefits of vitamin c for skin

Take 1 spoon lemon juice, 1 spoon rose water and in the same amount take glycerine. Mix the three well and apply topically on your skin. Repeat this twice a week. You will see a noticeable difference in your skin color within a month.

Helps Skin Repair

It helps to repair the damage caused by sun exposure and collagen loss by encouraging healthy cell regeneration. Some users have noted that it helps fade scars as well.

Helps Protect the Skin Against Sun Damage

Vitamin C offers sun protection by thickening the dermis layer of the skin to help guard it against harmful UV rays and sun exposure.

Reduces brown spots

Vitamin C can aid in the skin’s ability to heal itself. Help reduce red and brown spots due to its anti-inflammatory properties.

Different forms of Vitamin C:

Vitamin C comes in a variety of forms and derivatives that are listed below:

  • Ascorbic acid – The purest form of vitamin C. It’s less stable than other forms and can cause skin irritations if taken in high doses.

Best for: potency and results, normal or oily skin

  • Sodium ascorbate – This form of vitamin C proves to be gentle on the skin and converts to ascorbic acid after it gets absorbed. It effectively brightens skin and battles free radical damage with antioxidants. Only 1000 mg of this vitamin contains 111 mg of sodium.

Best for: brightening and fighting free radical damage

  • Magnesium ascorbate – It is a water-soluble derivative of vitamin C. Daily intake of magnesium must not exceed 350 mg. It also causes less skin irritation, so this is the best form if you have sensitive or dry skin.

Best for: dry or sensitive skin

  • Potassium ascorbate – Daily intake of potassium must not exceed 11 grams.
  • Manganese ascorbate – Daily intake of manganese must not exceed 11 mg.
  • Zinc ascorbate – Daily intake of zinc must not exceed 40 mg.
  • Molybdenum ascorbate – Daily intake of molybdenum must not exceed 2 grams.
  • Chromium ascorbate – The maximum daily intake of chromium has not been established. But the RDA is between 50 and 200 mcg for adults and teenagers.

How does Vitamin C work for Eczema?

Vitamin C is an ascorbic acid, that helps improve the formation of collagen in our skin. It helps to heal wounds faster and works as a natural antihistamine that destroys the imidazole ring of the histamine molecule.

It is recommended to have extra vitamin C in your diet if you have eczema so that it is helpful to get rid of atopic eczema.

In addition, vitamin c possesses antioxidants that protect you from free radical damages. Oral supplements of vitamin C are available if you want to try.

Higher intakes of dietary vitamin C has been correlated with a decreased level of dry skin, and ascorbic acid may have effects on trans-epidermal water loss.

Overdose of Vitamin C

According to a study conducted, the University of Maryland Medical Center states that taking more than 2,000 mg of vitamin C daily is not recommended.

Taking this amount can be considered as a high dose, which can lead to nausea and diarrhea.  An individual may also develop an upset stomach in case vitamin C is taken on an empty stomach.

These side effects are not related to an allergy; you simply need to reduce the amount of vitamin C you take. The recommended amount for an adult is 75 to 90 mg per day.

What to avoid for eczema?

Eczema treatment is incomplete if you are not aware of what you should not eat. Food that contains any artificial food coloring or preservatives is a big no for eczema patients.

Refined sugar-rich foods are also harmful to eczema breakouts. You need to stay away from dairy products forever otherwise you may face skin inflammation. Bakery products and gluten are other unknown enemies that should be avoided.

Every individual is different so their eczema symptoms may vary. In order to manage the skin condition; expert analysis, evaluation, and a targeted plan can do wonders for the skin.

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