Atopic Dermatitis – Eczema Infographic – Interesting Facts

September 25, 2019
Atopic Dermatitis – Eczema Infographic – Interesting Facts

Chances are, many of you have already heard of the term “Eczema”, or “Atopic Dermatitis”, or “Seborrheic Dermatitis” or some type of dermatitis by now.

Eczema is:

“A medical condition in which patches of skin become rough and inflamed, with blisters that cause itching and bleeding, sometimes resulting from a reaction to irritation (eczematous dermatitis) but more typically having no obvious external cause.” –

what is atopic dermatitis

Atopic Dermatitis Skin Symptoms

atopic deramtitis skin symtoms

Some other facts about eczema:

  • It can appear at any age, but most prevalent in children.
  • There are different types of eczema, but most common one is related to allergic diseases.
  • The latest research is moving towards identifying eczema as “Autoimmune Disease”.
  • Although rarely life threatening, it affects the quality of life of a parent as much as having a child with Autism, and of course the child as well.
  • Itch, lack of sleep, stress, limiting lifestyle, uncontrollable conditions all make the condition less tolerable.
  • There is no cure, although manageable with multistep therapies.
  • From my experience, what works for one person doesn’t necessarily work for another, so the market is flooded with different solutions that can be confusing and frustrating.
  • Eczema is simply skin dryness that causes skin inflammation and skin irritation
  • Tends to itch a lot
  • Most common in families that have history of any kind of skin disorder like asthma, hayfever or other allergies
  • Even doctors and researchers don’t have an exact idea as to why and what causes eczema
  • Skin disease is inherited and known to be passed from one generation to another
  • The chronic skin condition eczema is not contagious
  • Eczema symptoms are easily visible through your naked eyes i.e dryness, irritation, redness or scaly patches
  • There are different kinds of eczema and knowing about the eczema facts the disease can be treated at an early age

How can eczema affect the life of an individual?

Suffering from a skin disorder like eczema may affect every sphere of an individual’s life. It is not only a skin disease but puts a major psychological and social impact on the sufferer’s life. As per the recent studies, atopic dermatitis or eczema can interfere with the achievements in careers, schools, colleges, decrease the quality of life, affects social life and most importantly can cause stress.

There is no particular time for eczema flare-ups, it can happen anytime that maybe before any important occasion, meeting or a major life event. Stress is usually known to make the symptoms of eczema worse.

One way to manage the skin condition is by managing the stress in your lives.

5 ways to manage or reduce your stress:

1. Rest

It’s almost impossible to sleep when eczema is itchy, flaring up and you want to scratch it badly. Just try taking enough sleep to reduce stress.

2. Exercise

One of the best ways to release stress is through exercise. Running, walking or biking are all the best ways to improve your mental health. Keep in mind sweat can also trigger eczema so choose the activities wisely and make sure to take bath with a lukewarm water to remove sweat

3. Enjoyment

Take out some time from your schedule to enjoy your hobby or do something you really enjoy. It could be listening to music, photography, writing, meditation, playing sports, or some other activity.

4. Talk

There may be many benefits of talking about your problems with your dermatologist, friends or loved ones. This could really help in reducing stress.

5. Relaxation

Yoga and meditation are considered as the best ways to relieve mental pressure and calm your stress levels. Finding what actually works for you is your task so dedicate few minutes to relax yourselves.

Know more below.

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1 Comment

  • Elwood Reply

    10:03 pm . May 5, 2016

    Thanks for finally writing about Eczema that is affecting human population widely.
    Loved it!

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